Year 4 Overview
At Caen we have two Year 4 classes, taught by Mrs Laverty/ Mrs McAuley and Miss Down. The children are also taught weekly by Mr Harvey for computing and Laura Martin for PE.
You can download the current term's learning overview below.
For maths the school is planning using the White Rose scheme of work ( ) and teachers also use a variety of other resources such as Nrich ( ) and the National Centre for the Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics ( ). These sites all have free to download resources and materials should parents be interested and all the White Rose Maths materials are free to download. On the Nrich site you can search by maths topic or age. Furthermore, all children have their own Times Table Rock Stars login - please do use daily.
For reading we encourage children to challenge themselves with the Pie Corbett Reading Spine. Pie Corbett is recognised as one of the pre-eminent educationalists with regards to literacy and he has selected appropriate books for every age group. These can be found on the Scholastic site here: . Below we have also included recommended reads for each year group - these are all high quality texts that will give your child a rich and varied diet. Oxford Owl have opened up their online reading platform for all here: . Devon Libraries has a a wealth of ebooks and they can be found here: .
For fun science quizes that are linked to the curriculum please see:
If you would like any further information about the curriculum please make an appointment to see your child's teacher in the first instance.