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How to help at home

We have partnered with Atom Home Learning who provide an online learning platform to support our pupils learning. If your child is in receipt of the Pupil Premium your child can have free access and please use the link below. Atom Home is normally £575.90/ year. It allows children to access KS2 learning resources, develop subject mastery and build confidence. Following an initial couple of questions the program sets appropriately challenging work.

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Caen - ClassDojo



There are a number of good websites and documents to help support your child with developing their fluency with maths. The materials from White Rose Maths are a great start to understand teaching and supporting your child with the Concrete, Pictoral and Abstract method. Learning is introduced by using concrete resources such as numicon, diennes, place value counters. Then alongside this the children will draw these concrete resources e.g. representing the tens by a line and ones [what were 'units'] by a dot or circle. From this the children will be taught the written column methods with a secure understanding of the mathematical reasoning behind it. We use bar modelling to help the children to visualise the problem that they are trying to solve and to help them to reason what operation[s] they need to use to calculate the answer. White Rose Maths has a whole month of Barvember problems that can be used for all primary pupils - the 'Challenge' questions are very challenging!

To support the development of fluency we buy into Times Table Rock Stars and children have an account from Y3 upwards. Other ways to support are to count on and backwards, counting in 10s on and back from any given number, working on times tables [2, 5, 10, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 7] and discussing the maths around you e.g. shopping and money, telling the time, days of the week and months of the year etc. 

NRICH has a great range of puzzles and promblems that will challenge the earliest to older mathematicians.


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