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Caen Community Primary School is a thriving community school. We focus equally on the personal, social, and academic development of all our children and support children to be confident and highly motivated independent learners who are caring and positive citizens. 

The commitment of the staff and the quality of teaching and learning in the school are excellent. We work in close partnership with parents and carers to keep them fully informed of their child's progress. We are a very open and welcoming school and we value the ideas and opinions of all our community.

Please explore our website, latest happenings can be found in 'School News' and other information can found under 'Our School', or even better, come and visit us for a tour. 

Ofsted inspected the school in March 2023 and the school was graded as 'Good' in all areas and found to be a "welcoming, caring and friendly community [with] an ambitious curriculum for all pupils and wide range of extra-curricular activities." Our Ofsted report can be found below.

Kind regards,
Mr Page / Head Teacher

Phone: 01271 812786

Email: admin@caen.devon.sch.uk

eco schools silver
PSQM 2024
0176.NPSC Branding_Bookmark-Horiz Stars-Original
School Games Gold

Caen Community Primary School

Caen Street, Braunton, Devon, EX33 1AD


Old newsletters are archived.  If you would like a copy that is not on the website, please ask in the office.

  • Tue 25th Mar

    Tuesday 25th March

    Library visits

    We make the most of being next door to Braunton Library and each week a couple of classes visit the library to swap books which the children really enjoy doing.

  • Tue 25th Mar

    Tuesday 25th March

    BLCT football and netball tournament

    Last Thursday over 50 children from Y3-6 went to Kingsacre for the annual football and netball tournament. There was great demand for the football teams so as well as the two teams per age group we have arranged friendlies for all those who trialled. For the netballers some of our girls have already played in competative fixtures so we widened the team selection to give more opportunities across the school. Each age group won their respective football competitions and the netabllers finished 4th and 7th.

  • Wed 19th Mar

    Wednesday 19th March

    EFL Southern England finals

    Yesterday in glorious sunshine our football team took part in the EFL Southern England finals. They had won through (topping 32 teams from across Devon) to represent Exeter City FC. They played really well in the league format and qualified for the knock-out stages but then unfortunately lost in the quater finals. Well done to all as making it so far was a great achievement1

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